Hmm, so the Anki flaschard progress isn't going exactly as planned.
It takes quite a lot of steps to make Anki flashcards.
And it is a bit uncomfortable to do on a small laptop.
I know that's a pretty lame excuse.
But there's just something about having tons of screen real estate that making working on a computer so much more enjoyable.
Also, typing and using a mouse is pretty nice too.
The whole desktop experience is just more conducive to productivity, in my opinion. Or is it just that I simply haven't gotten used to working on a laptop?
That's possible.
I guess if I get used to writing on a laptop, I'll get better, faster, and more effective.
Who knows, maybe I'll even prefer it to working on a desktop, but I don't think that's going to happen.
Anway, the idea was to study 90 cards on Anki a day, not just type them onto spreadsheets.
If I'm just going to be typing them on spreadsheets, I should make a higher goal, maybe 180.
Since I'm just typing the words in Korea, and not the English meaning, Hanja, or any other notes, I should be typing more.
Okay, let's go crank out some more vocabulary!