54th TOPIK Countdown: 114 Days Left

So the current plan right now is to cram as much vocabulary as possible into my brain.

The thing is though, is that the TOPIK is much harder than I thought.

Well, I would put my ability at a solid TOPIK level of 4.

Getting to a four is not that hard I think, but breaking into the 5 and 6 level is the hard part.

So what do I need to do?

  • Study 8000 words via the book Essential Korean Vocabuarly and Anki
  • Study previous test papers
    I not only need to study the format, but the content.
  • My listening is not that good, and that stems from a lack of vocabuarly
  • Also, I don't know many more complicated grammatical structures
  • There are a lot more I need to do, but it's already 2 am as I'm writing this, so I need to go to sleep