Daily Language Study Practice 2018/12/28

Daily Study Overview

Glossika New Sentences a dayReps Completed (Before Studying)Reps To Do TodayReps Completed (After Studying)Study Time (Minutes)
Korean 302365405 48
Japanese 5298550 6
Spanish (Mexican) 5212050 6
Portuguese (European) 56550 6
Tagalog 581550 6
Michel Thomas To Do (Audio)To Do (Tracks)Total Audio Time (Minutes)# of Tracks Study Time (Minutes)
SpanishFoundation Review 21 - 215941 30
FrenchFoundation 41 - 55610 30
Chinse (Mandarin)Advanced 11 - 77713 39
      Total Study Time (Minutes)
      Total Study Time (Hours)

Michel Thomas Audio Course Progress

Michel Thomas Progress   
Spanish Foundation8
 Currently: Foundation Review 2Foundation Review2
  Advanced Review1
  Total CDs22
  Current Progress10 / 22
FrenchCurrently: Foundation 3Foundation8
  Foundation Review2
  Advanced Review1
  Total CDs22
  Current Progress3 / 22
Chinese Foundation8
 Currently: Advanced 1Advanced4
  Total CDs16
  Current Progress9 / 16